oh, dear...so many typepad issues the weekend...finally up and running again!
so many things to catch up on...christmas party at Rachael's house....complete with the White Elephant gift exchange. Oh, it could not have been more hilarious. my dh brought old, old floppy disks of Lotus and Windows DOS and some kind of Packard Bell something-er-other...(and he wonders WHY our garage is so full....duh!) to exchange. i about doubled over in fits of laughter when the computer software salesperson was the one to open his gift!! but then, when someone opened a metal detector, i just HAD to 'steal' it when my turn came. so on my dh's turn, he stole the detector from ME, so after 2 trades, by the rules, we thought it was a safe bet that we'd get to take it home for our son. BUT WAIT! the person with the software had been first, so they got one last chance at the end to 'steal' whatever they wanted. and what do they pick? but the metal detector, trading my dh for his old software he started with! OHHHHHH, the IRONY!!!!!! ROFL!!! it was so funny, we were CRYING with laughter...
some pics from the evening...
also have had a chance to sit together as a family and make christmas presents for the family...it was really important to me for the kids to do this this year. i was afraid if i overexplained it to them, they would just hear my "preachy" voice and tune out. so when the cashier at JoAnn's asked what they were doing, and they answered "making presents for family and stuff", she went on with the most DELIGHTFUL commentary about how homemade gifts are the BEST kind you could ever get, and how she still to this day cherishes things people made for her. i got goosebumps as i looked over at my kids and saw them BEAMING with joy that they were participating in something so important as giving of themself in this way. i didn't even have to say a word to them about not buying more expenisve, store-bought items for the family...they scrambled home more eager than ever to get to crafting!!! it has been so sweet seeing them fill the tree with their little wrapped creations.
the bishop at church today talked for a minute to the congregation about myspace.com....i was SO glad he did that! he talked about the dangers of putting "so much" out there on the web, and cautioned parents to keep tabs on their kids' "space". also talked about the difference between spilling your innermost thoughts and desires (as you would in a personal diary), and updating, inspiring, and informing friends and family of what's going on in your life. it was pretty awesome. and a good reminder for ALL of us.
also, new product up today at designer digitals! i only had time for one set of brushes this week, darn!, but they are my FAVORITE brushes of ALL (the 3 main ones i seem to use ALL the time...), so i'm excited to share them!!
and last, but not least, baylor is finally saying some words!!! yesterday, when trying to eat his chicken nuggets as the cat (who thinks he's a dog) hovered below his chair, he called out, "NO, TOBY!" to the cat! it was sooooooo cute!!
well, off to make more gifts...have a great sunday everyone, and here's looking forward to a FANTASTIC week full of CHEER and HOPE and KINDNESS.........
and peace.