remember my little girl...that one who emerged from my 21 Day Challenge?
well she's back! :)
she really means something to me. she really feels like a PART of me. it was a big step for me to put her out there in a commercial is a personal extention. it was hard. it took me awhile. but i finally let out an explosive breath and launched her. :) i know. that probably sounds REALLY wierd. but aren't artsy-types SUPPOSED to be weird? ha ha ha
i have created a set of printable "greeting cards" you can download featuring my "little girl" and some sweet little simple sayings for Two Peas:
[image below copyright 2006, used with permission]
they're in the new Digital Kit section: 2Peas Digital Kits where you can also find a ton of other new releases...WOW these girls AMAZE me!! their fresh, innovative, new ideas and creative energy just floor me!!!
yesterday was a wonderful "lake day" and it was sooooo relaxing. love laying on the shore and listening to the rhythmic "thump thump thump thump" of the floating dock bumping the shoreline...the cool breeze...the warm sun...MMMMmmmmmm. it was beautiful.
and my heart is so happy this morning....braxton actually WILLINGLY went to church today (to another ward with his good friend Joey) and that is such a 180degree change from the last few months. it has been like pulling teeth to get him to go..but more than that. he actually throws downright temper tantrums the night before. but i've stuck to my guns. see, i'm all for free agency and letting someone make their own decision about things. but it should be an informed, well thought out decision. not a knee-jerk reaction to appease common developmental rebellion and an inflated sense of egocentric, effortless existence. and his little ten year old self is smack-dab in the center of that phase right now. niiice. ugh. tell me that goes away?
haaahahhahaahaa james just showed me he can de-pants himself with all his shorts he owns. GO JAMES! (he's been running every day and steadily losing weight) i made him go put on a stinkin' belt. silly guy.
so what's next on the agenda? oh, yeah. packing for CHA. aaahhhhhhhh.........the dreaded PACKING! ugh. i still suck at that. i bumble around the airport like an inexperienced tourist with bags that are sure to pop a seam at any given moment, with as many across the shoulder accessories as i can rig up, while straining with all the grace i can muster to stay balanced and pull the enormous weight of piled up cargo behind me...oh, i am SO not a good traveller. i was perusing the 'travel accessories' aisle at the store yesterday in total consternation, completely bewildered by the uses of all the gagetry. i'm sure if someone actually explained it all to me, i would find many a useful tool to make travelling easier. but i just stood there like a dope scratching my red head with confusion until i finally just gave up and walked away.
and i am still of the firm belief that a laptop would solve ALL my problems.
aaaaahahahahhahahaaaa. if ONLY. :) but i DO desire one very badly. i hate that i will be computerless for an entire WEEK. gggggrrrrrr..... it makes me cranky. :P
okay....time to get crackin'. have to get the troops in gear for church. :) and the highlight of my week...once again....getting ready to teach the Nursery Class for our ward. 2 hours with too-cute-for-words 3 year olds alongside my hubby is such a treat! (but maybe i can feel that way cause none of them are mine, LOL!)