i send my love and prayers and condolences and, most especially,
my gratitude for your courage and commitment and sacrifices.
most especially, to the family of Sergeant Bryce D. Howard of Vancouver, WA,
one of three soldiers from the 864th killed Tuesday in Afghanistan
by a suicide bomber's IED (improvised explosive device) while constructing a bridge.
my sister, being involved with the FRG of the unit, has closer ties with the soldier from
the HSC, and from her I understand that Sgt. Howard leaves behind a sweet wife and
two beautiful young children.
words like 'hero' and 'honor' and 'gratitude' are hollow compared to what i feel for these men,
women, and children; each participating in their own circle of stewardship
independent of anything i have ever done or said or experienced,
and yet,
still have done it for me and my family and my world
so selflessly.
i heard the news tonite as i was working, television on as usual in the background,
when i suddenly heard mention of soldiers and again, as usual, my ears tuned in
to acknowledge the latest casualties. i can't quite explain the shock, however,
when the broadcaster said the number '864th' as the 3 soldiers' names were read.
had i heard that right?
everything seemed to stop around me. time seemed to hold it's breath.
even the air seemed to shiver and pause all around me.
but my eyes focused on the screen and confirmed what i'd heard...
we had lost 3 members of the 864th.
then the rush of blood through my head like a freight train as i tried to think
what to do next?
i called my sister.
her voice was weary from the weight of the last couple of days, holding it close to her
keeping it
shouldering it
and i think of my reaction and shake my head with something related to guilt that i could
feel so sad and react so strongly, when here she was existing somewhere between "thank
goodness it was not my husband" and "i can't believe this is happening to us".
it is too close
here are a couple of articles about the work they are doing there:
i was going to post previews to my new digital kits,
but somehow that seems so far away right now....
if you're reading this,
will you leave them (the 864th and their families)
a comment, a prayer, a word or two?
i know they would appreciate it so very much...
and i do, too